moef Ashok Ashok Embassy NEA

Centre for Biodiversity Policy and Law

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Access and Benefit Sharing

ABS is one of the three fundamental objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as set out in Article 1. A framework for the implementation of access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing is provided in Article 15 of the Convention. The Nagoya Protocol on ABS is a Protocol to collaborate implementation of Article 15 of the CBD. It provides a transparent legal framework for effective implementation of ABS mechanisms. The Nagoya Protocol was adopted on 29th October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan and it came into the force on 12th October 2014. India and Norway have ratified the protocol.

The proposed activities under the ABS theme includes implementation of Nagoya Protocol on ABS, linking its relevant articles with national provisions; identifying cross-sectoral issues such as ABS and REDD plus; link ABS and Protected Area management; supporting technology transfer; developing guidelines on ABS and governance; exploring ABS as an innovative financing mechanisms and developing capacities and raising awareness including human resource development both in India and Norway.

Work Plan for 2015

CEBPOL will support activities related to the implementation of Nagoya Protocol (NP) on ABS to provide policy inputs for India; sector-wise approaches to improve benefit sharing components; and suggest ways and means of monitoring/utilization of India’s Biological Resources (BRs) in other countries; including through disclosure of source and origins of BRs in Patent applications; ensuring India’s compliance with obligations under the provisions of NP on ABS and Traditional Knowledge associated with genetic resources/biological resources. it will also work on compilation and review of national legislations pertaining to Biodiversity/ABS from the selected countries in the context of NP.