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National Biodiversity Authority
(An Autonomous and Statutory Body of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India)
NBA’s Grant-In-Aid for awareness programme on Biodiversity

National Biodiversity Authority is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India performing facilitatory, regulatory and advisory functions on the isues of conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of biological resources and fair & equitable sharing of benefits. With relevance to its core mandate of implementing the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 NBA supports to a limited extent the activities, awareness programmes and events of Universities/Colleges, Academic institutions, State Biodiversity Boards, etc . besides publication/documentation of the new and original works on biodiversity from time to time.

Guidelines for the proponents

The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) provides financial support by way of Grants–in-aid for short-term result-oriented activities which aim at implementing the mandate of National Biodiversity Act, 2002 and conserving the rich natural heritage of India by generating mass awareness among the people at large and stakeholders.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The proposals can be submitted by academic institutes, universities, private institutions, state biodiversity boards, government organizations, etc. for carrying forward the mission of NBA to the larger sections of people.
  2. Research projects are not supported by NBA.
  3. No permanent /regular appointments are to be made under the proposed activities. The support does not allow any salary component.
  4. Financial assistance to publications related to biodiversity is provided subject to submission of draft manuscript and its relevance to the core mandate of NBA.
  5. Physical assets, equipment and other infrastructures are not supported under this assistance.
  6. Proposals sent by emails are not entertained and only the hard copies duly signed by the proponent and forwarded through proper channel are considered for funding.

Method of Submission

  1. A single copy of the proposal should be submitted in the prescribed format of NBA duly signed (along with a soft coy) by the proponent.
  2. All the proposals shall be submitted through the head of the organization.
  3. The proponents should submit the proposals at least 2 months prior to the date of the conference /seminar /symposium /workshop.