UNEP-GEF and MoEF Project on Strengthening the implementation of the Biological Diversity Act and Rules with focus on its Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)Provisions The GEF project on ABS is the first ever global project - a programmme to access genetic resources, assess their economic value and share the benefits arising out of them among the local people. This project is implemented in the 5 states of India namely Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh and Sikkim and it is funded by Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and Government of India. The executing organisation includes National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) in collaboration with 5 SBBs, UNEP-Division of Environmental Law and Conventions (UNEP/DELC), United Nations University – Institute of Advanced studies (UNU-IAS). The main components of the project include: