india emblem
National Biodiversity Authority
(An Autonomous and Statutory Body of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India)

Regulation of Access to Biological Resources and / or Associated Knowledge

The National Biodiversity Authority is mandated to regulate access to biological resources and / or associated knowledge for research, bio-survey and bio-utilization, commercial utilization, obtaining Intellectual Property Rights, transfer of results of research and transfer of accessed biological resources.

The details of application forms for specific activities are given below: (Application Fee / User Charges)

Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Associated Knowledge and Benefit Sharing Regulations, 2014. Pdfimage
Guidelines for upfront Payment for Access to Biological Resources for research or bio-survey and bio-utilization for commercial utilization. Pdfimage
Guidelines for International Collaborative Research Project involving transfer or exchange of Biological Resources. Pdfimage
Procedure for obtaining approval of NBA for lifting the Red Sanders Pdfimage
Notification on exemption of Annex I Crops listed under ITPGRFA from Section 3 and 4 of Biological Diversity Act, 2002. Pdfimage
Deposition of microorganisms in foreign repositories for claim of novel species in accordance with the International Bacteriological Code of Nomenclature Pdfimage
Guidelines for Designated Repositories

Closing Procedure
Procedure for Closing of Applications received Under the Biological Diversity Act 2002 Pdfimage

Bank Details for paying Application Fee and Benefit Sharing ComponentPdfimage

Name of the Account : National Biodiversity Fund
Name of the Bank : State Bank of India
Account No. : 30904019354
Branch : Taramani (10673)
Swift code : SBININBB475
IFSC code : SBIN0010673

5th Floor, TICEL Bio Park,
CSIR Road, Taramani,
Chennai - 600 113
Tamil Nadu, India

  • NBA encourages payment of Application fee by Online through State bank collect ( using SBI Net Banking, SB Group ATM Cum Debit Cards, Any Bank Debit / Credit Cards and Other bank internet banking)
  • May also pay the fee in the form of Demand Draft in favour of " NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY FUND " payable at Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Applicant should bear the bank commission, routing, exchange and money transfer charges.
  • Cash Payments will not be accepted.
  • Application fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • DD / Cheques / Pay Orders in the Name of " National Biodiversity Authority " will not be accepted.

