Updation of India's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2024
The KM-GBF has 23 action-oriented global targets for urgent action over the decade to 2030. The actions set out in each target need to be initiated immediately and completed by 2030. Together, the results will enable achievement towards the outcome-oriented goals for 2050. Actions to reach these targets should be implemented consistently and in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Protocols and other relevant international obligations, taking into account national circumstances, priorities and socioeconomic conditions.
Decision 15/2 : Informing the scientific and technical evidence base for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Decision 15/3 : Review of progress in the implementation of the Convention and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Decision 15/4 : Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Decision 15/5 : Monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Decision 15/6 : Mechanisms for planning, monitoring, reporting and review
Decision 15/7 : Resource mobilization
Decision 15/8 : Capacity-building and development and technical and scientific cooperation
Decision 15/9 : Digital sequence information on genetic resources
Decision 15/10: Development of a new programme of work and institutional arrangements on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention related to indigenous peoples and local communities
Decision 15/11: Gender Plan of Action
Decision 15/12: Engagement with subnational governments, cities and other local authorities to enhance implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
India Achievements of Aichi Targets 11 & 16
Implementation of Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing
Voluntary Peer-Review under the Convention on Biological Diversity
(Case Study 2)
National Biodiversity Authority