Biodiversity encompasses the variety of all life on earth. India is
one of the 17 mega biodiversity countries of the world. With only 2.5%
of the land area, India accounts for 7.8% of the recorded species of the
world. Biodiversity in India is mainly recognized at three levels,
namely species levels, genetic level and ecosystem level.
Biogeographically, India is situated at the tri-junction of the
Afro-tropical, the Indo-Malayan and the Palearctic realms. Because of
its proximity to all the three realms, India possesses a unique
assemblage of characteristic elements of biodiversity of each of them.
1.2 According to surveys conducted so far, 45,500 species of plants and
91,200 species of animals are found in India. India is an acknowledged
centre of rich crop diversity. India is considered to be the home of 167
important cultivated plant species and 320 species of their wild
relatives. India is considered to be the center of the origin of several
varieties of rice, pigeon pea, mango, turmeric, ginger, pepper, banana,
bitter gourd, okra, coconut, cardamom, jackfruit, sugarcane, bamboo,
taro, indigo, sunhemp, amaranths, goose berries etc. India’s
domesticated animal wealth consists of diverse livestock including fish,
poultry, animal breeds etc. Unless this biodiversity is used sustainably,
the future generation of India may be deprived of its benefits for food,
nutritional, household, health and environmental security.
1.3 The country has contributed to and is party to key multilateral
agreements on environmental issues, including the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD). Pursuant to the CBD, following a widespread
consultative process, and programs related to biodiversity, Biological
Diversity Act, 2002 has been enacted. This Act was promulgated on the
2nd of December 2002. India is one of the few countries to have enacted
such a legislation. This Act primarily aims at giving effect for
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and facilitate access
to biological resources and associated traditional knowledge so as to
ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of their
commercialization. The Govt. of India promulgated the Biological
Diversity Rules in 2004.
1.4 The different provisions of Act are being implemented by the
National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) established in 2003. The NBA takes
measures to protect the biological diversity of the country as well as
oppose the misappropriation of Indian bioresources and /or the
associated knowledge. The NBA performs functions such as laying down the
procedures and guidelines to implement various provisions of the Act.
The authority coordinates the activities of the State Biodiversity
Boards and Biodiversity Management Committees by providing the needed
technical assistance and guidance, as well as commissions studies and
sponsors special initiatives.
1.5 In order to implement different programmes, need for strengthening
of institutional structures has been recognized as a critical element.
Hence a project “ Strenghtening Institutional Structures to Implement
the Biological Diversity Act” was conceived and developed and is being
implemented by MoEF, NBA and UNDP.
1.6 The programme also draws from the lessons learnt from the UNDP
environmental projects in the Country Cooperation Framework II phase
(2002-2007) that highlight the need for impact oriented, focused and
integrated approaches with strong institutional structures to ensure
sustainability of UNDP’s intervention.
1.7 The main focus is to strengthen the institutional capacities at
various levels and of different stakeholders in UN Development
Assistance Framework (UNDAF) states and bring in behavioral changes to
manage natural resources in an integrated, participatory and sustainable
manner. Owing to the close link between the Biological Diversity Act
2002, NEP 2006, Schedule Tribes and other Traditional Dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, National Biodiversity Action
Plan 2008 and India’s Fourth National Report to the CBD, inclusion of
natural resource dependent tribal and marginalized population,
particularly women, in the planning and decision making process is one
of the critical and vital elements of the strategy. In view of
importance of biodiversity in overall natural resource conservation
scenario, the project becomes critically important initiative. The
project will be operationalised with the National Biodiversity Authority
as the key responsible partner in close partnership with the Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF). The proposed intervention will focus
mainly in Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh states with rich biodiversity and
globally significant species. The project will help to address the
challenges in implementation of the Biological Diversity Act by
supporting strengthening the SBB and BMC through capacity building,
awareness and education and database and networking. The initiatives in
the two states are pilots that will function as templates in
strengthening the Biodiversity Boards of India.
1.8 Madhya Pradesh is among the few states with a fully functioning SBB
and BMCs. Experiences and lessons learnt from Madhya Pradesh in setting
up SBB and BMCs will be shared with Jharkhand and other UNDAF states
with limited institutional structure and capacity. The primary focus of
the project is to strengthen the capacity of institutions that are
directly involved in the implementation of the Biological Diversity Act
at all levels, such as the BMCs, SBBs and the NBA. The project also
envisages developing the capacity of relevant academic and government
institutions, including rural development, forest department,
municipalities and Gram Panchayats.
1.9 Specifically, the project will help strengthen existing capacity to
monitor natural resources in select districts of Madhya Pradesh where
the BMCs exist, analyze their impact and document the traditional
conservation practises. The project will facilitate establishment of
BMCs in select districts of Jharkhand – because of their biodiversity
significance and domination of natural resource dependent tribal
communities – through capacity building of Gram Panchayats.The main
activities will include documentation of bio-resources, site visits,
training and awareness campaigns on a continued basis, and exchange of
information with states having operational biodiversity boards. The
project will support the BMCs in creating and maintaining the People’s
Biodiversity Registers (PBRs). A replicable model of PBR will be
developed in accordance with the model prepared by National Biodiversity
Authority. Strengthening the capacity and skills of the SBBs and BMCs to
identify areas of biodiversity importance to be declared as heritage
sites will also be a part of the capacity building.